Capital Company Logo

Capital Company Logo

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Capital Company Logo
Image file: capital-company-logo.gif

Searching for a logo design suitable for their company, our clients from Las Vegas, NV, United States of America, bought this Capital Company logo. The price of the Capital Company Logo is $99.00 (USD).

Within one business day, our clients received their finalized logo design. Five design concepts were emailed to them and they chose the best design to be finalized.

In the pre-design package, fonts and colors are open to variations, unlimited. However, the logo design itself, remains static.

The Capital Company Logo design is the image of a mountain. The mountain mainland is bulky while the top of the mountain tapers itself into a thin peak, leaning towards the left hand side. The left hand side of the mountain has five swooshes, diminishing in length and thickness in ascending fashion. The mountain base is designed as open space at the bottom.

The company name rests underneath the foot of the mountain. The slogan rests right under the name of the company.

The colors of the Capital Company Logo is dark green and gray. The outlines of the mountain and the slogan is colored dark green. The name of the company is colored gray.

The fonts are Palatino Lynotype (Normal)(ENU), Outline: None.

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