Island Realty logo

Island Realty logo

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Island Realty logo
Image file: island-realty-logo.gif

Our clients are from Hagatna, Guam, a small island in the middle of the Pacific. Their Real Estate Business has grown into the necessity of having a distinctive logo design. was contracted to design a custom logo for them. With the meticulous guidelines from our clients, a partnership was established between our clients and one of our senior graphic designers.

The finalized logo design on this page depicts a house, colored blue and green. A leafy Palm tree is designed to the front of the house. The blue ocean was designed to the side of the house with a bright yellow sun at its horizon.

The colors blue and green were selected, to indicate both nature and ocean on the island.

The name of the company is woven to form part of the logo. The slogan is designed to the bottom of the logo.

The name of the fonts used are Futura BdCn BT and CAC Leslie.

The names of the colors are:
100% PANTONE 137 C
100% PANTONE 370 C
100% PANTONE 2945 C
70% PANTONE 2945 C

The logo has not border lines nor a drop shadow. 

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