Christian Youth Logo

Christian Youth Logo

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Christian Youth Logo
Image file: christian-youth-logo.gif

Our clients are from Pasadena, Texas, United States of America. was requested by our clients to refine a pre-designed logo they chose. Time played a crucial part as the young adults were eagerly awaiting each batch of concept design files for inspection. When the project was finalized, our clients wanted to know: " What kind of resolution do you send the final logo in? We need it big enough to put it on T-shirts and posters".

Our graphic designer sent the following file formats : logo-web-4.gif (3.37 KB), logo-big.JPG (412.88 KB), logo-bw.jpg (344.71 KB),logo-gray.jpg (301.97 KB), logo-web1.gif (7.39 KB), logo-web2.gif (6.35 KB) and logo-web3.gif(5.3 KB).

The logo image explains the aim of the death of Jesus Christ: people. No people on earth, no death of Jesus Christ on the cross. It's all about the love of our incredible God towards people. The logo depicts seven human figures, holding hands, forming a circle around a cross - the place of decision: for Jesus Christ or against Jesus Christ. The circle is reflected as a shadow at the feet of the cartoon figures.

The colors are Fill: 87% PANTONE 2925 CVC, Outline: None, Fill: 0% Black, Outline: None, Fill: 100% Black, Outline: None and Fill: 87% PANTONE 2925 CVC, Outline: None.

The font of the Christian Youth Logo is Americana BT (Bold)(ENU).

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