Scarlet Logo

Scarlet Logo

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Scarlet Logo
Image file: scarlet-logo.gif

Our team has done this design for one of our customers in Florida, United States of America. This customer made use of our custom packages that we have available. The custom package selected by our customer cost $179.

This is an abstract design because the ask bubble is not closed on the right side of the design. The designer made use of bold lines to create the ask bubble and the first word of the text. The second part of the text is in a cursive font and the letter S is made much bigger compared to the rest of the word. The designer tried to use the same color as Scarlet and the customer thought that he had hit the nail on the head with this design.

The customer was very precise about what they wanted. If you have any question related to their type of business they want their logo/name to pop into the viewers head first.

This logo is not for sale.

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Pre-Designed Logos
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