Winding Road Logo

Winding Road Logo

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Winding Road Logo
Image file: winding-road-logo.gif

Our client is from Greenville, NC, United States of America.

The logo image on this page depicts a winding road through a mountain pass. The logo design is explicitly clear and clean. The silhouettes of the two mountains with a bit of reflection on the nearest mountain contrasts beautifully with the black tar road. The road construction pillar or two can be seen just before the last bend in the road.

The name and strap line of the company are designed to the left of the logo. The placement of the text accentuates the depth and distance of the logo.

The font used to design the text with is called AvantGarde Bk BT (24 pt).

The logo is colored in black, gray, light blue and dark blue. The names of the colors are: black - Fill: 80% Black, Outline: None; gray - Fill: 20% Black, Outline: None; light blue - Fill: 60% PANTONE 287 C and dark blue - Fill: 100% PANTONE 2945 C.

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