Swoosh Water Blue Logo

Swoosh Water Blue Logo

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Swoosh Water Blue Logo
Image file: swoosh-water-blue-logo.gif

Our clients are from Moscow.

The graphic design shown on this page is a pre-designed logo done by one of the in-house graphic designers from Biz-Logo.com.

The image has two swooshes compiled in such a way that the logo resembles a drop of clear water. The swoosh designed as a pot belly figure spouting upwards and to the left side, settled as the foundation of the second swoosh. The second swoosh curves over the first swoosh in close proximity. The second swoosh commences past the middle section of the first swoosh as a pin stripe, broadening while flowing over the first swoosh. The second swoosh continues, becoming broader, and settles in a sharp two edged figure. The color of these two swooshes is dark blue.

The name of the company is designed to the right side of the logo. The name is compiled by two words. Each word commences with a capital letter. The rest of the letters are designed in small letters. The color of the name is light blue.

The names of the colors are Fill: 100% Process Blue C, and Fill: Fountain, Outline: None.

The name of the font used for the text is Georgia (43.534 pt).

No border lines or drop shadows appear.

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