Medical Community Clinic Logo

Medical Community Clinic Logo

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Medical Community Clinic Logo
Image file: medical-community-clinic-logo.gif

Within a cross, icon of the medical world, a globe is taking center position in this magnificent logo design. The globe is gritted with a double membrane around it. The membrane is shimmering white. The grit lines are shimmering white, contrasting excellently against a deep blue background.

The medical cross is designed at the back of the globe. The cross is colored green surrounded by a thick white border line.

The medical cross and globe are embedded into a rectangle positioned in a diverted posture.

The name and strap line of the company are designed to the right side of the logo. An horizontal line separates the name of the company from the strap line.

A drop shadow is designed below the logo image.

The names of the colors are: deep blue - Fill: 100% PANTONE 2955 C; green - Fill: 100% PANTONE 334 C; Fill: 100% PANTONE 185 C. The drop shadow is colored gray - 10% Black.

The first two words of the company name is designed in fonts named ZapfHumnst Ult BT (37.556 pt). The third and fourth words of the company name is designed in fonts ZapfHumnst Ult BT (36,817 pt).

The strap line of the company is designed, using the fonts ZapfChan Bd BT (19.354 pt).

The logo is free of border lines.

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