Property Valuers Logo

Property Valuers Logo

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Property Valuers Logo
Image file: property-valuers-logo.gif

Our clients are from Perth Australia.

Our clients explored our web site and found the perfect flagship for their business. The logo is a pre-designed logo. The price is $99.00 (USD). Our in-house graphic designer emailed our clients two batches of concept design files. The first batch carried two concept designs. The second batch carried three concept designs. Our clients chose their final design and the project came to a close within two business days.

Alterations to colors and fonts come into play, but the actual design remains static.

The Property Valuers logo is compiled of a globe into which the letter P is designed. The main shaft of the letter P is stationed slightly to the left hand side of the globe, leaving space for the rest of the letter P design, which is the round upper section of the letter P. The left hand side of the globe has a swoosh running from the top section of the globe, gliding past the main shaft of the letter P, ending in the vicinity of the lower section of the globe.

The globe interior is colored deep red, shading into a lighter variant of the color. The letter P and the space between the globe and the swoosh is colored white. The swoosh is colored black.

The name of the company is stationed underneath the Property Valuers logo design. The name of the company spreads itself from right to left, exceeding the side boundaries of the logo design. The last two words of the company name finds a space underneath the end of the company name. A red line attaches itself to these two words, running to the left coming to rest at the beginning of the first word of the company name.

The fonts are Arial (Bold)(ENU). The size of the individual letters of the company name is small caps. The color of the company name is black.

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