EKG Vet logo

EKG Vet logo

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EKG Vet logo
Image file: ekg-vet-logo.gif

This logo was designed by our Biz-Logo.com team for our clients in Wheeling, West Virginia. They run an after hours emergency clinic for pets. The logo design had to portray their compassion for animals in need of medical attention. They purchased our Gold Package at $399 (USD). With this package clients receive 30 concept designs to choose from. The turnaround time per revision is 2 business days.

When our graphic designer finished this logo it was exactly what the customers wanted. The design is made up of a red cross with the outline of a cat and dog visible inside the cross. Red is the main color used in this design, as red is a warm and positive color, a very physical color which draws attention to itself and calls for action to be taken. In color psychology red means energy, courage, power, passion, action and strength. An EKG pulse signal can be seen behind the dog outline, indicating heartbeat.

The company name is designed at the bottom of the logo.

Font: AvantGarde Bk BT (Bold)(ENU).

100% PANTONE 185 C
100% PANTONE 188 C
Curve Fill G:255

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