Crown Plumber Logo

Crown Plumber Logo

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Crown Plumber Logo
Image file: crown-plumber-logo.gif

One of the letter A logos on the website of attracted the attention of our clients. The graphic design project was registered. From the outset, both our clients and the graphic designer realized that more customization of the design was inevitable and an upgrade from pre-designed logo to a custom designed logo was the way to go.

The intended focus of the clients service was changed from the concept of septic pumping and drain cleaning through their logo design.

Our clients logo design carries a golden crown on top of the first letter of the name of their business. The name of their business corresponds with the name of one of the owners.

Inside the first letter, which is the alphabetic letter A, a drop of water is designed. The logo is thus a signage image of the business.

The font used to design the logo with is called AventGarde Bk BT (24 pt). The font used to design the strap line with is called Taz Black (Aquaduct Warp) (32.828 pt).

The strap line is designed below the name of the business in lower case format except for the first letters of each of the two words.

The name of the business nestles inside a background colored blue. The name of the color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 2955 C, Outline: None.

The crown on top of the first letter of the logo design is yellow. The name of the color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 1235 C, Outline: None.

The logo is not for sale.

The logo has no drop shadows or border lines.

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