Pie Shop Logo

Pie Shop Logo

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Pie Shop Logo
Image file: pie-shop-logo.gif

Our client is from Clive, IA 50325, United States of America. The food industry is exceptionally diversified and very competitive. To advertise, an unique logo design was called for.

The Web site of Biz-Logo.com offers both pre-designed logos as well as customized logo designs. Our client opted for a customized logo design.

The graphic design image displayed on this page mirrors one of the varied products of our client's business. The Pie Shop Logo is compiled by three graphic variants. The three are the graphic design of an ornate pie, the banner draped over the bottom part of the logo and the placement of the name of the company. The draped banner sports a fine white line, giving the air of movement to the banner. The name is designed on the upper portion of the pie. The name is arranged in convex format, transcending the borders of the pie.

The graphic image of the pie is gritted. The image is designed in upright position so that the whole pie is fully exposed to the viewer. The round border of the pie is double coasted. Three thin round lines divides two thick circles or borders.

The name of the font used to design the text is BriemScript-Regular-Normal. The colors of the logo is called: red-brown - Fill: 100% PANTONE 1945 C; the deep brown - Fill: 100% PANTONE 1545 C and the gray - Fill: 30% PANTONE 1545 C.

The logo is void of border lines and a drop shadow.

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