Online Company Letter R Logo

Online Company Letter R Logo

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Online Company Letter R Logo
Image file: online-company-letter-r-logo.gif

Our client from Stockholm branded his business with the logo displayed on this page. The logo was created from scratch by

The logo image depicts the alphabet letter R. The letter R is designed inside a circle. From the left top section of the circle, a swoosh appears designed in a upright concave format. Before touching the point of exit from the circle two swooshes run parallel to each other first in convex format and then straightening out to reach the lowest point of exit from the circle. The letter R is colored white. The circle is colored deep blue.

The name of the business is designed to the right hand side of the logo. The name is drawn in bold capital letters.

The strap line of the business is designed beneath the name. The strap line is drawn in small letters.

The name of the font used to design the name of the company is ZapfHumnst BT (51.366 pt). The font used to design the strap line in is called Caslon540 BT (29.708 pt).

The name of the blue color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 285 C.

The logo is void of border lines and a drop shadow.

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