Letter I Planet Logo

Letter I Planet Logo

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Letter I Planet Logo
Image file: letter-i-planet-logo.gif

The building company of our client from St. Clair Shores, MI, United States of America, called for a business logo. The logo was found on the Web site of Biz-Logo.com. Our client bought the logo. It is not for sale, ever again.

The image of the Letter I Planet Logo is that of the Western letter i. The letter i logo was originally designed exactly like the Letter I Planet Logo. The colors and placement of the name of the company changed during the design process.

The letter i is encased in a circle. The letter i takes center space in such a way that it resembles a 3D design. At first glace it looks like the letter i tilts to the right in forward position. At second glance it may tilts backwards to the left. Two swooshes are designed to the right and left side of the circle. The left swoosh commences with a broad base at the bottom, terminating in a sharp curve at the top. The right swoosh is designed in the opposite position.

The name of the company is placed below the logo. The text is designed in lower case lettering. The name of the font used for the design of the name is AvantGarde Bk Bt (24 pt).

The name of the color blue Fill: 100% PANTONE 2767 C, Outline: None. The enlightened spot to the upper right of the circle next to the letter i is Fill: Fountain, Outline: None.

The logo is free from border lines and a drop shadow.

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