Empowering Training Solution Logo

Empowering Training Solution Logo

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Empowering Training Solution Logo
Image file: empowering-training-solution-logo.gif

Our client is from in Reno.

The Empowering Training Solution Logo exhibited on this page is a letter i. The letter i is a component of the Western alphabet.

The image is composed of 4 graphic design elements. The letter i has one main shaft and a circle to the top of it. The shaft and the circle are detached. The rectangle is the third component. The rectangle is tilted, resting on one of its four corners. The rectangle is designed at the back of the letter i. The upper corner of the rectangle is curved into a half circle in concave format to give space to the circle of the letter i. A swoosh runs from the left bottom portion of the rectangle, over the letter i, ending to the right upper portion of the rectangle. The swoosh commences outside of the rectangle. The swoosh is designed in convex format and is the fourth component.

The color of the swoosh is maroon. The color of the rectangle black. The circle of the letter i is maroon. The shaft of the letter i is colored white. The shaft of the letter i has no bottom closure.

The name of the company is designed to the bottom of the logo. The name is designed in lower case and is the Web site address of the company.

The slogan of the company is designed right below the name and is colored black.

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