Electronics Enterprises Logo

Electronics Enterprises Logo

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Electronics Enterprises Logo
Image file: electronics-enterprises-logo.gif

Our client is from New York, United States of America.

The logo design on this page is the property of of client. A Transfer of Copyright Document is issued on request.

The turn around time for pre-designed logos at Biz-Logo.com is 1 business day. Our client preferred the pre-designed logo 'as is' and received his logo the same day the order went through.

The Electronics Enterprises Logo was found in the Letter Logo Category on the Web site of Biz-Logo.com.

The letter C is the first letter of the business name of our client. The letter is designed as a group of 2 objects. The letter C design rests midway into the two swooshes. The right header of the letter C almost touches the right tail end of the swoosh. The swoosh closes up at the right hand side, which swings upwards towards the header of the letter C. The left portion of the swoosh is open, encircling the letter C which it is holding.

The name of our client company is composed of 2 words, designed directly next to each other. The tag line is written with 7 words. The tag line rests very close to and underneath the name of the company.

The names of the colors are Fill: 100% PANTONE 186 C, Outline: None, Fill: Reflex Blue CVC, Outline: None, Fill: White, Outline: None.

The name of the fonts are Copperplate Gothic Bold (Normal)(ENU).

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