Law Logo

Law Logo

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Law Logo
Image file: law-logo.gif

Our clients are from Summerland, Canada.

Our clients needed a business logo. There are multiple sectors in the legal world. However, designing a law logo tends to reach back into history, focusing one point in time: the balance between right and wrong.

The pre-designed Law logo is a graphic design of two scales, symbolizing the outcome of a law case. The two scales are draped in front of the A letter shape, falling perfectly into the text of the name of the business. The cross bar of the scale is repeated to the right of the graphic design, gliding towards the text of the company name.

The names of the fonts are Cataneo BT (Normal)(ENU) and Futura Md BT (Normal)(ENU).

The colors are Fill: 100% PANTONE 1897 C, Outline: None, Fill: 100% PANTONE 4525 C, Outline: None and Fill: 100% PANTONE 1817 C, Outline: None.

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