Import Export Logo

Import Export Logo

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Import Export Logo
Image file: import-export-logo.gif

Finding a pre-designed logo our client from Jackson, MI, 49201 United States of America, had to look no further than the pre-designed logo Globe Category of The globe logo leaned towards the business needs of our client, to such an extend that their logo was finalized within one business day.

The price of the logo is $125.90 (USD).

Our Copyright Certificate is available at finalization of the logo design at no additional costs.

The Import Export logo depicts a map of the United States of America. On the right hand side of the globe runs three swooshes. The swoosh nearest to the center of the globe is thin in design, beginning and ending in spikes. The swoosh swirls from the bottom part of the logo design, first to the right side and then to the left side near the bottom of the map of the USA. The swoosh ends pointing to the right, slightly above its starting point. The second and transparent swoosh follows the contours of the first swoosh. The third swoosh follows the contours of the previous two swooshes. The second and third swooshes are equal in thickness and larger in design than the first swoosh.

The name of the company is composed to the right hand side of the logo. The font is large and fills the bottom half of the exterior of the globe logo. The second portion of the name of the company follows directly underneath the first portion of the name. The font is smaller than its predecessor. The slogan rest underneath the second portion of the company name. The font is small and engulfed in a small red rectangle.

The colors of the logo is dark gray, light gray, white, transparent, red and blue.

The fonts of the Import Export logo are LHF Essendine (Normal)(ENU) and Newtext Rg BT (Normal)(ENU)

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