Surf Logo

Surf Logo

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Surf Logo
Image file: surf-logo.gif

Romi Singh is our client from Wembley, Great Britain who manages a well-established online travel agency and has something suitable for everyone; from all-inclusive holidays to luxurious five star resort packages, all at reasonable prices. They have years of experience in providing quality holidays for all types of travellers; from bargain hunters to family holidays, from stag and hen weekends to destination weddings, you name it and they can book it! Whether you are looking to relax on a beach or go on an adventure trail, you can be sure to find great holidays that suit your needs.

During 2015 they came across our Surf Logo in our Holiday Logo Category at and bought it for $145 (USD). This brightly colored logo conveys a message of fun and sun! It consists of relaxing ocean waves in three shades of blue with the sun evident at the horizon, surely a feast to the eyes.

Yellow is a warm and happy color which creates a sense of liveliness. Psychologically it is optimistic, uplifting and illuminating, brightening up the spirits.

Blue on the other hand is calming and therapeutic to the mind and body.

The colors we used are as follows:
100% PANTONE 2746 C
100% PANTONE 2985 C
100% PANTONE 283 C
100% PANTONE 485 C
100% PANTONE Process Yellow C
100% PANTONE 199 C Red

The names of the fonts are ScoutCond Regular Italic and Placard Condensed (SemiBold).

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