Elegant Roof Logo

Elegant Roof Logo

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Elegant Roof Logo
Image file: elegant-roof-logo.gif

Ryan McFadden is the proud owner of a home renovations business in Ontario, Canada. He specifically specializes in kitchen and bathroom revival. He brings his experience in cabinet and furniture making to the refacing process. He also offers face lifts, minor renovations, and full bathroom remodels throughout London, Ontario and surrounding areas.

In search of a suitable logo for his business, Ryan discovered our pre-designed Elegant Roof Logo in our Construction Category at Biz-Logo.com during 2012 and purchased it for $125 (USD).

This design portrays the view of a roof top of an elegant home, embracing a swoosh emerging from behind the building, swinging over the top of the home and terminating in the space of the company name and strap line.

A swoosh in general indicates activity taking place, in this case referring to renovation.

Blue is the color of devotion. Blue is the helper, the rescuer, the friend in need.

The color of the roof is black, therefore referring to protection and comfort, as well as sophistication.

Silver on the other hand is a cosmopolitan color related to modernity.

All three these colors in combination speak of style:

100% PANTONE 301 C
100% PANTONE 445 C
100% PANTONE Cool Gray 8 C

The name of the font is Dancer-Pro Bold.

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