Sailing Logo

Sailing Logo

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Sailing Logo
Image file: sailing-logo.gif

Josephine and Daphne is an enthusiastic mother-daughter team from Canada with a combined 65+ years of experience, who has made it their quest to assist business owners with the monetary side of their lives. They take the attributes of financial management and package it into a comprehensible set of documents, easily accessed all around the globe.

Due to their skills, diligence and work ethic, their Accounting processes are well organized to produce high-quality results, allowing more time to examine those results and make informed decisions about where you want to go and how to get there more efficiently.

Since they are doing accounting for yacht and charter companies in the Caribbean, they required a suitable logo and bought our Budget Package at $149 USD which offers three unique concept designs to choose from. Daphne requested a blue asymmetrical sailboat design.

After a few rounds and some discussion, Josephine and Daphne were in seventh heaven with the final result! They loved the "wisp" look of the boat in that it is not a solid outline.

The fonts used in this logo are:
Company name - DINEngschrift LT
Slogan - Dear Joe Four

The colors used are as follows:
Dark Blue - C100 M80 Y0 K0 | R24 G56 B132
Light Blue - C100 M0 Y0 K0 | R0 G147 B221

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