Screaming Eagle Logo

Screaming Eagle Logo

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Screaming Eagle Logo
Image file: screaming-eagle-logo.gif

Septo Sudiro is the Chief Executive Officer of a Flight School in Indonesia. Their vision is to be the ultimate and most reliable pilot school in Indonesia by providing the best standards of facilities, service, by having commitment to safety compliance, consistency in quality and continuous refinement. They train their cadets to become dependable pilots within relatively short periods, normally between 12 to 15 months.

Septo was specifically in search of an Eagle logo for their Flight School and discovered our pre-designed Screaming Eagle logo. This masterpiece portrays a white eagle with its wings spread out wide and high against a porthole of an aircraft. To the observer, this aircraft is approximately 10 000 feet high up in the sky, as from this viewing point, land and sky can be seen through the window.

Eagles can fly up to an altitude of 10 000 feet, but they are able to swiftly land on the ground.

The sky is colored maroon and the land is portrayed in gray. Maroon is often associated with sacrifice and bravery whilst gray suggests security and reliability.

This beautiful logo design became the solemn pride of this Flight School during 2013.

The fonts we used, are Good Times and CAC Leslie.

The colors as follows:
100% Pantone 430 C Gray
100% Pantone 188 C Maroon

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