Concentric Circles P Logo

Concentric Circles P Logo

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Concentric Circles P Logo
Image file: concentric-circles-p-logo.gif

Madeleine manages a successful Pest Control business in Malta. For the past 25 years, they have successfully resolved all manner of pest and infestation issues to the satisfaction of repeat clients, both domestic and in business. They are grateful to have consolidated a five-star ranking for rendering a skilled service.

In early 2016 Madeleine was browsing our categories at in search of a suitable logo and discovered our pre-designed Concentric Circles P Logo at $145 (USD). Although its original color was blue, she preferred it in a bright red, therefore we used 100% Pantone 185 CVC.

This design consists of multiple concentric circles, colored red and white to manifest the letter P. Red is an energizing color which motivates us to take action! The spirals could symbolize the hiding places of pests where they crawl into passages, hence tailor-made for a Pest Control business.

The name of the font, is Futura LT Condensed.

Madeleine was thrilled with the end result of the design and ordered several stationary items as well.

Our stationary design costs are normally $95 per item, but our existing clients pay only $79. A further discount applies if they order more than one item. Two items are $145, three items are $195 and four items are $240.

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