Happy Pets Logo

Happy Pets Logo

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Happy Pets Logo
Image file: happy-pets-logo.gif

Our female client is from Jacksonville in North Carolina. She is the founder of her Pet Sitting company, which was established in 2003. She decided to open this business in order to put her love of animals to work, filling an important need in the lives of your pets by keeping them happy and comfortable while you're busy at work or away on vacation.

During 2015, she came across a tailor-made logo design for her business in our Pets Category at Biz-Logo.com. The cost of this pre-made design, was $145 USD.

This design conveys a message of pure contentment, just by observing the expression on the faces of the cat and dog. The cat is in a relaxed frame of mind, whilst snuggling up against the warm-hearted dog, a harmonious picture which paints a thousand words! Burgundy is the color for affection, whilst navy blue symbolizes trust and loyalty.

The fonts are Placard Condensed (SemiBold) and Segoe (Script Bold).

The colors as follows:
100% Pantone 1815 C and 100% Pantone 289 C.

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