Globe Swoosh Medical Logo

Globe Swoosh Medical Logo

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Globe Swoosh Medical Logo
Image file: globe-swoosh-medical-logo.gif

Our client from Warrenville in Illinois, is the co-founder of their Biomedical Clinic. They treat patients by means of Advanced Nutrient Therapy, experiencing health issues from brain-changing nutrient imbalances such as anxiety, depression, autism, mood swings, bipolar, schizophrenia, Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease.
They have five outreach clinics to make treatment more convenient for patients who live in Northern and Southern California, The Mid Atlantic states, Arizona, and Florida. Their outreach team travels to each location every six months to consult with patients.

During 2011, they found the perfect logo design in our Globe category at This globe design consists of green swooshes covering several parts of America, indicating where most of the medical treatment is being performed on patients. From a color psychology perspective, green is the stabilizer of the heart and emotions, creating harmony between the head and the heart.

The name of the font, is ZapfHumnst Ult BT.

The colors as follows:
100% Pantone 375 C
100% Pantone 301 C
100% Pantone 280 C
100% Pantone 7496 C

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