Arms Logo

Arms Logo

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Arms Logo
Image file: arms-logo.gif

Our clients from the Philippines, owns one of the fastest rising gun stores in the Philippines. From its humble beginning, it has now expanded into 12 branches located nationwide all serving the armament needs of civilians, police, military and government customers.

They approached us in search for a logo design and ordered our custom Silver Package for $299-00 (USD).

Soon an extraordinary logo was born! It comprises of a circle, top half colored blue and the bottom section in red. Twelve stars are evident in this design, referring to the twelve branches of their corporation. A gun is designed to the bottom, whilst a shield can be seen at the top.

The color blue is one of loyalty and trust. Red is the color of blood, so it is related to danger and war.

The font name is Eurostile LT Extended Two (Bold).

The color codes as follows:
100% Pantone 186 C
20% to 100% Pantone 286 C (Fountain)

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