USA Flag Realty Logo

USA Flag Realty Logo

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USA Flag Realty Logo
Image file: usa-flag-realty-logo.gif

Our client from Colorado is committed to serving his community with ethical fair business and housing practices. He is sensitive to the needs, constraints and demands placed on their military servicemen and women. As a veteran himself, he has committed his company to serving and protecting the community the best way. He spotted the perfect pre-designed logo in our Real Estate category at

After only a few minor changes, our client called for finalization of his design.
As a proud citizen of the USA, he needed the house in this design to carry the American flag theme. White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.
A swooshing line was designed from bottom left, rising upwards through the chimney. Designed to the left on the blue section of the house, is a five pointed star. A five pointed star is referred to as a pentagram and was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol for the five senses, or of the five wounds of Christ.
The name of the font used in the company name and tag line, is Futura Xblt BT (Normal) (ENU).

100% PANTONE 185 C
100% PANTONE 294 C
80% PANTONE 294 C and White.

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