Island Child Logo

Island Child Logo

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Island Child Logo
Image file: island-child-logo.gif

Our client is from The tropical Island of Grenada, which is located in the Caribbean. She manages a non-profit organization, assisting children and young people in low-income families to complete their education and achieve economic self-sufficiency through empowerment skills, access to affordable living, youth development services and clarify their values on which to build a successful life. She approached in her search for a company logo, that illustrates the nature of her business. She bought our Budget Package at $149 (USD). With this package, clients receive 3 concept designs to choose from.

The turn around time of all custom logo designs by is 2 business days between each revision.

The logo design displayed on this page portrays the silhouette of a dreamy young child, staring at the horizon in deep thought, one hand slightly covering his eyes against the piercing rays of the sun. The message in this design, is one of isolation and hope.

The sun was designed with prominent rays, the upper half colored yellow and the bottom half colored green. This suggests the tropical climate where this charity organization is situated. The image of the sun is embedded in a double circle, colored yellow and green.

Circles are often seen as protective symbols. Standing within a circle shields a person from dangers or influences outside of the circle.

From a color psychology perspective, the color green is the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium between the head and the heart.

The color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun.

The name of the company is designed on a red background. Red is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive.

The color of the figurine is white, suggesting purity and innocence.

The name of the font is Futura LT ExtraBold (Normal) (ENU).



50% PANTONE 136 C
70% PANTONE 136 C
100% PANTONE 136 C

100% PANTONE 186 C

70% PANTONE 341 C
100% PANTONE 341 C

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