Target Sports Logo

Target Sports Logo

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Target Sports Logo
Image file: target-sports-logo.gif

We recently finished up a project with a client from Santa Rosa, California. Our part in the project was to work on a logo design for his website and brand. He ordered our Custom Golden Package for $399-00 (USD), which offers 30 concept designs to choose from, as well as free web integration support and a business card design.

Jack established a hunting and fishing retail store in 2012 on the recognition and appreciation of their American hunting and fishing traditions. His aim was to focus on targeting a younger market, here fore required a clean and simple design, with a combination of fishing and hunting.
After some initial correspondence with Jack, we had fleshed out some thoughts on the style of the logo and what values would be presented through it.
The Target Sports Logo comprises of two male figures, one shown aiming to the right with his gun, whilst the other figure holding a rod, is shown fishing. A shooting target also forms part of this design.
Color wise, the combination of dark blue, red and white is an appropriate choice as our client is from the United States of America and compliments the colors of the USA flag. Blue also signifies masculinity, hence explaining the color of the two figures.

Curve Fill: 100% PANTONE 185 C
Curve Fill: 100% PANTONE 281 C

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