Law Offices logo

Law Offices logo

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Law Offices logo
Image file: law-offices-logo.gif

This client from Beaver Falls - Pennsylvania had specific requirements for his company logo and bought one of our custom packages. The turn around time of all custom logo designs by is 2 business days between each revision.

Being in the Law Industry, our client had a navy blue structure with columns in mind. Carrying the blue symbolism associated with the darker shades of blue, navy conveys importance, confidence, power, and authority as well as intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism. Like black, it carries a sense of elegance and sophistication. It is associated with police and military.

This elegant design consists of a solid Roman-style law building with five supporting pillars.
The name of the company is placed to the right hand side of the logo.

Romana BT (Normal) (ENU)

100% PANTONE 2965 C

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