Leaf Tree logo

Leaf Tree logo

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Leaf Tree logo
Image file: leaf-tree-logo.gif

Our client owns a Landscape Supply Business and had the idea of a custom design in mind. He chose the Budget Package offered by Biz-Logo.com. The price of the Budget Package is $149-00 (USD). The turn around time runs 2 business days between each revision.

Our client received 2 original designs in the first batch to choose from. After a couple revisions, our client called for the finalization of his project and the result is seen on this page.

The logo design depicts a leafy tree with a huge leaf overlapping the tree, whilst the tree is still visible in a different shade of green which gives this logo a unique contrast.

Green is the color of life, renewal and is associated with growth and fertility, which makes this logo perfect for a Landscaping Business.

The logo design is free of any border lines.

The name of the company is designed underneath the logo.

The name of the fonts are FrizQuadrata BT (Normal)(ENU) and Myriad Pro (Bold)(ENU).

Colors used are 100% PANTONE 3435 C, 100% PANTONE 369 C and Curve Fill: G: 255.

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