Stylized Face Logo

Stylized Face Logo

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Stylized Face Logo
Image file: stylized-face-logo.gif

This is one of our pre-designed logos that was bought by a customer for $125. This customer had specific instructions regarding this design. The customer wanted the eyes to move so that they are not connected to the rest of the face and the colors requested for the face was pink and brown for the font. Our designer was able to help this customer with their request, but they did a few color variations to see what made this design stand out more.

This design has an image and text. The image is an abstract face that was created by using one single line. The entire face is formed from this line, two dots and a swoosh. It is a friendly masked man. The first letter of the text is slightly larger than all the rest and it is drawn on a bit of an angle. The first word is all done in upper case and the second word is all done in lower case.

This logo is not for sale.

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