Pet Care Family Logo

Pet Care Family Logo

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Pet Care Family Logo
Image file: pet-care-family-logo.gif

A tubby looking cat meets the viewer. Closely behind the cat arises a friendly dog. It is a picture of wellness and happiness.

Our feline is not smiling. Our canine is smiling. Well, sort of. The two eyes of the feline is opened wide. The two eyes of the canine is pinched smaller than normal, expressing gratitude and love. Both these animals' eyes are shining. The mouth of the cat is closed, while the mouth of the dog is open. Its tongue is showing. The graphic design is assembled in such a way that the fore fronts of the animals are in view. Both animals seem to lie down.

The dog is colored in various shades of brown. The cat is colored in various shades of gray. The border lines of both animals are darkened.

Both feline and canine have different colored eyes, noses and mouths.

A portion of the anatomy of both these animals was taken to become part of the name of the company. The name of the company exists of four words, designed in upper and lower caps.

The strap line is closely designed beneath the name of the company. The strap line carries two expansions to each side. They are horizontal lines colored in the same gray as the body of the feline.

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