Truck Leasing Logo

Truck Leasing Logo

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Truck Leasing Logo
Image file: truck-leasing-logo.gif

From Purchase, New York, United States of America our client bought the pre-designed logo which they viewed in letter logo category.

Our in-house graphic designer created two concept designs of which one was chosen by our client. This design was finalized.

A Transfer of Copyright Document is part and parcel of the graphic designs of No extra costs are involved.

The price of the pre-designed logo is $125.90 (USD).

The logo is the letter P from the Western alphabet. The logo is in fact the first letter of the company name. The Truck Leasing logo is a three dimensional design. The front of the letter P is facing to the further right hand side of the logo space. The letter P has two sharp edged points. The beginning of the semi-round shape is sharply edged. The bottom part of the column is sharply edged. The column of the letter P is balanced on a shadow figure at the very bottom of the design. The semi-round section of the letter P is designed as a box or hollow container. Two thin lines run at a thirty percent angle through the middle of this container. The Truck Leasing logo is capped by two separate triangles. On the right hand side of the logo design figures another triangle, pointing to the name of the company.

The name of the company is written in small caps.

The tag line underneath the company name is also written in small caps.

The name and tag line are colored black. The main body or outlines of the Truck Leasing logo is colored black. The main edge of the column of the letter P is colored white. The triangles are colored green and blue. The inside of the semi-round container is colored blue and the thin lines running through it is colored black.

The fonts are AmericanText BT (Normal)(ENU).

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