S Monogram Tax Logo

S Monogram Tax Logo

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S Monogram Tax Logo
Image file: s-monogram-tax-logo.gif

Logos depicting accounting, tax and payroll management takes a lot of time to research. The business fields mentioned are abstract to most of human kind and therefore not easy to associate with in graphic designs.

However, our clients bridged all of these challenges and had one of our in-house graphic designers created their company flagship.

The graphic image is the letter S. Two swooshes almost embrace each other. The upper part of the letter S is designed in concave format, in upright position. The curve of the letter S faces inwards towards the left. The swoosh has a rugged appearance as it is slightly broken at the edges and holed. The second swoosh commences at the middle portion of the first swoosh. The hollow of the curve is designed to the right. The swoosh sways way past the edge of the first swoosh. This swoosh too, has a rugged appearance.

The upper section of the letter S is colored red. The lower section of the letter S is colored blue.

The name and strap line of the company is designed to the right side of the letter S. The text is colored blue.

The names of colors are: red - Fill: Magenta, Outline: None, blue - Fill: 100% PANTONE 653 C.

The name of the font used to design the company name with is FrizQuadrata BT (46.78 pt). The name of the font used to design the strap line with is called FrizQuadrata BT (22.749 pt).

The logo does not carry border lines or drop shadows.

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