Speech Therapy Communication Logo

Speech Therapy Communication Logo

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Speech Therapy Communication Logo
Image file: speech-therapy-communication-logo.gif

The logo on this page was created by Biz-Logo.com. The logo was exactly what our clients from Millersville, MD 21108, United States of America needed.

The logo image and the tag line of the company, liberates the viewer from guessing what the purpose of the message is. The bridge and strap line say it all.

The bridge is compiled of two side panels. Both of these panels upper sections are designed in convex format. The base of the two panels runs in equal straight lines, narrowing towards the far end. This creates the idea of distance. The right panel of the bridge has multiple vertical lines. The panel of the bridge on the far side has no vertical lines. The colors of the bridge are light blue and dark blue. The strap line is colored gray.

The name of the company and its strap line are designed to the right side of the logo. The first word of the company name cuts into the front right portion of the bridge. The strap line of the company is designed below the company name.

The names of the colors of this logo are: light blue -- Fill: C:85 M:32 Y:11 K:0, Outline: White; dark blue -- Fill: 100% PANTONE 2955 C; gray -- Fill: 60% Black, Outline: None.

The name of the font used to design the text is Bell Gothic Std Black (41.418 pt, 25.395 pt and 20.992 pt).

The magnificent logo has no border lines or a drop shadow.

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