Mountain Swoosh Logo

Mountain Swoosh Logo

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Mountain Swoosh Logo
Image file: mountain-swoosh-logo.gif

The business of our client called for a logo design. The logo displayed on this page was spotted by our client on the Web site of The logo design had to mirror the nature and character of our clients business. The Mountain Swoosh Logo was the perfect match.

The image contains three graphic elements: the mountain, the snow and the swoosh at the base of the mountain. The mountain runs downwards in a steep descend almost touching the name of the company designed on the right. The swoosh, designed in a convex format, carries the mountain so to speak, on its back. The snow cap on the mountain top has three out reaches and two indents.

The name of the company is designed to the right side of the logo. The name of the company is composed of one word. The strap line of the company is composed of two words and is designed below the name.

The logo as a whole is designed in three colors: white, gray and orange. The names of these colors are: Fill: White; gray: Fill: R:127 G:127 B:127 Outline: None; orange: Fill: 100% PANTONE 167 C.

The name of the font used to design the text in is called AvantGarde Bt BK (24 pt).

The logo has no border lines nor a drop shadow.

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