Medical Group Logo

Medical Group Logo

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Medical Group Logo
Image file: medical-group-logo.gif

Our clients are from Lakeland, Florida. A pre-designed logo was spotted on the Web site of The graphic image stayed static, but the colors, fonts and placement of the name and strap line of the company were changed. The final graphic design became the flag ship of our clients' company.

From the offset, attention was given to the cross as focus point of the graphic design. The original color of the cross was white. Red became the color of the cross. The original color of the background onto which the cross was designed, was deep blue. This changed into light blue. The foreground to the left of the bottom part of the cross was colored dark blue. This got changed into green. This element gave prominence to the name of the company as well. A sparkling white border line was given to the cross, accentuating the difference between the cross and its background.

The name of the company was designed to the right side of the logo.

The font used to design the first word of the company name is called Felix Titling (65.312 pt). The font used to design the last two words of the company name is called Felix Titling (39.15 pt).

The name of the red color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 185 C. That of the light blue is Fill: 100% PANTONE 300 C. The green is called Fill: 100% PANTONE 3285 C.

The logo design carries no drop shadow or border lines.

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