Medical Caduceus Logo

Medical Caduceus Logo

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Medical Caduceus Logo
Image file: medical-caduceus-logo.gif

Our clients are from Los Angeles.

A pre-designed logo from the Web site of caught the attention of our clients. Alterations were applied to the graphic image of the pre-designed logo. The finalized product is on show on this page.

The logo image is a shield. Inside the shield, six swooshes are intertwined. These swooshes is designed to fill the center space of the shield from top to bottom. Four of the swooshes do not touch each other. Two of the swooshes overlap each other. One of the swooshes is colored red and the other one is colored light blue. The name of the red color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 185 C. The name of the light blue is 100% PANTONE 285 C.

The border line of the shield is colored dark blue. The name of the color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 2965 C.

The names of the fonts used to design the text in is Placard MT Condensed (63.398 pt) and AvantGarde Bk BT (22.728 pt)

The logo is void of borderlines.

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