Media Company Letter M Logo

Media Company Letter M Logo

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Media Company Letter M Logo
Image file: media-company-letter-m-logo.gif

The logo image on display is the graphic design product from the studios of

The logo is compiled by four design objects. The most prominent feature is the alphabet letter M. The letter M is designed by the hands of a graphic designer. The letter M is placed in the center position in front of a circle. The letter M cuts through the bottom of the circle dividing the lower part in three sections. The letter M carries the upper part of the circle seemingly dismantled from the main circle. A perfectly symmetrical drop shadow appears at the bottom of the letter M and circle.

The name and strap line of the company are designed to the right side of the logo.

The name of the color dark blue is Fill: 100% PANTONE 3025 C. The name of the color light blue is Fill: 100% PANTONE 307 C. The name of the gray drop shadow is R:204 G:204 B:204.

The font used to design the name of the company in is Kozuka Gothic Pro R (8.309 pt) The font used to design the strap line in is Kozuka Gothic Pro R (5.648 pt)

The logo is free from border lines.

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