Letter S Globe Logo

Letter S Globe Logo

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Letter S Globe Logo
Image file: letter-s-globe-logo.gif

A Corporation from Miami, Florida, searched the Web for the appropriate graphic design and found none. Through the Web page of Biz-Logo.com they discovered a new world of custom graphic design art. The logo shown here was created from scratch.

The logo image displayed on this page is the property of our clients from Miami. The graphic design was uniquely designed just for our clients exclusively.

The Letter S Globe Logo, was born from a partnership between our clients and one of our in-house graphic designers. The core idea was to promote the business of our client through their logo. Several originally created graphic designs were created circling around the ideas of triangles with the letter S incorporated into the design, globes or cameras with the letter S as focus point.

The finished product is the letter S twining around a globe. The upper swoosh starts from the right side overlapping the upper portion of a globe. The swoosh disappears behind the globe. It then emerges from the right middle portion of the globe, draping itself over the lower portion of the globe. The swoosh, forming the second part of the letter S, terminates at the bottom left of the globe. A drop shadow imitates the route of the letter S.

The name of the company is designed to the right middle side of the logo. The name of the company is designed in capital letters. The name of the company is colored blue. The name of the color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 288 C. The name of the font used to design the name is called Ethnocentric-Light, or can be substituted with font Nueva Std Light-Light (Western).

The strap line is designed below the name of the company. The name of the color (light blue) in which the strap line is colored is Fill: 100% PANTONE 285 C. The strap line is drawn in capital letters, yet much smaller than that of the name of the company.

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