Letter R Logo

Letter R Logo

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Letter R Logo
Image file: letter-r-logo.gif

From Riga, Latvia, our client bought the letter R logo from the Web site of Biz-Logo.com.

The Letter R Logo is designed in a unique hand-drawn style. The letter R is not a font. The left portion of the letter R portrays a short shaft colored in black. The shaft is leaning slightly forwards. The right portion of the letter R is designed using a swoosh swaying from inner space of the upper side of the letter R. The swoosh starts out as a sharp edge running in convex format over to the left side. Coming to the left shaft of the letter R, the swoosh turns away from the shaft, barely touching the shaft. Passing the left shaft of the letter R, the swoosh curves into a convex format, ending in a sharp edge. This sharp edge meets up with the open space left between the two words of the company name. The swoosh is colored red. The name of the color red is Fill: 100% PANTONE 187 C, Outline: None.

The name of the company is drawn below the letter R logo. The name is designed in upper case. The first of the two words is colored red. the name of the color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 187 C, Outline: None. The second word is colored black. The name of the color black is : Fill: R:0 G:0 B:0, Outline: None.

The strap line of the company is designed below the name. The name of the color for the strap line is Fill: R:153 G:153 B:153, Outline: None.

The logo has no border lines nor a drop shadow.

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