Letter E Logo

Letter E  Logo

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Letter E Logo
Image file: letter-e-logo.gif

Our clients bought the custom logo design package called the Silver Package. This Package offers our clients 15 unique concept designs to choose from.

Our clients existing logo served as a foundation of their new logo design. The new logo design had to reflect the vitality and growth of their business. The new logo had to be strong and memorable in character.

From the onset, the first letter of the name of the company received prominence. The letter E was created from scratch in capital format. The letter E is designed in a forward slanting position. The letter E is embedded into a circular design. The impact caused by the designed E split the circle into two sections. The two sections were moved out of sequence. The upper section of the circle is spiked to the right and the lower section of the circle is spiked to the left.

The name of the company is designed on the right hand side of the letter E. The name of the company is composed of one word. This word is designed in bold capital format. The strap line of the company is designed below the name.

The fonts used to design the name of the company is called AvantGarde Bk BT. The name of the font used to design the strap line is called FrizQuadrata Bt.

The names of the colors are: yellow: Fill: Fountain, Outline: None. The graphic construction of the capital E: Fill: C:90 M:70 Y:30 K:30, Outline: None. The blue and shades of blue: Fill: Fountain, Outline: None. The color of the name of the company: Fill: Fountain, Outline: None. The color of the strap line: C:0 M:0 Y:100 K:10, Outline: None. The color of the total background: Fill: C:90 M:70 Y:30 K:30, Outline: None.

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