Paw Logo

Paw Logo

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Paw Logo
Image file: paw-logo.gif

Our client from Doral, Florida, United States of America, bought the animal logo. The price for the Paw logo is $125.90 (USD).

The logo design is found in the Animal Category of A Transfer of Copyright Document is available with each logo design. The Paw logo, as every other logo design, is marked SOLD on receipt of the full payment. It is never for sale thereafter.

The Paw logo has the foot print of an animal belonging to the canine species. The paw print is circled by a thin membrane. The membrane is actually a circle within a circle, colored green. The paw logo itself shows four front toes and nails. The main paw cushion is based at the bottom of the four toes, each with a nail. The four toe imprints are arranged in a semi-circle above the cushion of the paw imprint. The toes and the cushion of the paw logo are separate from each other. The three toes, from left to right, distinctly show nail markings, separate from the toes. The forth toe has a nail imprint flowing from the toe.

The logo is colored blue, white and green. The paw logo itself is colored blue. The background of the paw logo is colored white. The space between the two circles is colored green.

The name of the company rests at the bottom of the animal logo. The name of the company is colored green.

The font used to design the company name is prominent and extends itself past the left and right hand sides of the logo design. The company name is sectioned in one word and the letter T, linked by an hyphen between the word and the letter T.

The name of the fonts is MicroGrammaDMedExt (Normal)(ENU)

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