Irrigation Turf Services Logo

Irrigation Turf Services Logo

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Irrigation Turf Services Logo
Image file: irrigation-turf-services-logo.gif

Our client is from Greenville, SC, United States of America.

The Irrigation Turf Services Logo is a pre-designed logo, searched from the Web site of This logo is now the possession of the business of our client.

The logo image is the design of the first letter of the second word in the name of the business of our client. The letter G is created from scratch. The letter G has a broad base. The base has a horizontal line colored white followed by a deep blue base. This deep blue base is a little longer and broader than the white base. The main body of the letter G features a solid wave formation to the left. Flowing back to the middle section of the main body, the design flattens out in a short horizontal line. The ascend from this short horizontal line terminates into a slightly curled wave, much smaller than the solid wave to the left.

The name of the business is designed to the right middle portion of the letter G. Directly beneath the Irrigation Turf Services Logo rests the slogan of the company.

The logo is colored blue, white and deep blue. The name of the color blue is Fill: 100% PANTONE 307 C. The name of the color white is: Fill: White, Outline: None. The name of the deep blue is Fill: 100% PANTONE 289 C.

The font of the letter G is named: AvantGarde Bk BT. The name of the font used to design the name of the business is GoodTimes (Nueva Std Light). The name of the font used to design the slogan of the business is BankGothic Lt BT.

The logo is void of border lines. It has no shadow base.

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