Kids Logo

Kids Logo

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Kids Logo
Image file: kids-logo.gif

Our clients are from Parkland, Florida, United States of America.

Our client brought an existing logo to the workbenches of They were looking for a professional expression of the same logo design. graphic designs experts got to work and the result is shown here.

The cost of the custom re-design logo is $249.00 (USD).

What our clients received in addition to their professional re-do of their logo is the final design in vector format (AI, EPS, CDR), raster format (JPG, GIF, PNG, and in a Black and White format (300 dpi JPG). These formats are all print ready formats and web site use, at no extra costs.

The Kids logo was designed, based on the original drawn logo, but with precision and grandeur. The logo depicts two children or kids, holding on to the curve of a love heart. The kid on the left hand side is a girl and the second kid is a boy. They are facing the viewer. They are stick figures. Peace reigns between the kids. The facial expressions of the kids are of joy and contentment. The love heart is sectioned into four parts. The two upper parts of the love heart is much larger in size, than the two lower parts of the love heart. The border of the love heart, as well as its interior sectors are prominently marked. In contrast, the cartoon figures of the two kids are drawn in fine line, symbolizing the tenderness and frailty of small children in a big, big world.

The kids logo is multi-colored. The upper two sections of the love heart is colored green, on the left side and blue on the right side. The smaller bottom sections of the love heart is colored yellow on the left side and red on the right side.

The name of the company consists of four words. The first two words are arranged at the left hand bottom of the kids logo. The last two words are arranged at the right hand bottom of the kids logo. The words are colored lilac. The outer and inner borders of the logo, as well as the stick figures are colored black.

The fonts are DellaRobia BT (Bold)(ENS)

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