Gin Logo

Gin Logo

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Gin Logo
Image file: gin-logo.gif

Our clients are from Elgin, Texas. A search for the best designer studios for their business logo terminated on the Web site of

The logo reflects an historical site in Elgin. The specific site houses a century old cotton gin. The renovations of the site and buildings had to play prominent roles in the business logo design. The logo image thus mirrors the love and care for both history and modern day clients. graphic designer recreated a graphic picture of the environment where the main events are held. A railroad line runs from left to right in the foreground of the logo. An open stretch of land follows ending in front of a single row of trees. The lane of trees runs parallel to the railroad line. At the back of the lane, buildings where the old cotton gin or machine was hosted is visible. The buildings are huge and spacious. The logo design is completed by a bank of clouds towering above the buildings' silhouette.

The logo is designed in black and white.

The name of the company is created below the logo. The name of the text used to create the words is Letter Gothic Std.

There are two metaphors taken up in this logo design: the last parts of the name of Elgin and the the last word of the company name are the same. The second metaphor is the first part of the surname of our client and the first word of the name of the business' name.

The logo design has no border lines or shadow base.

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