Freeform Hands Globle Logo

Freeform Hands Globle Logo

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Freeform Hands Globle Logo
Image file: freeform-hands-globle-logo.gif

A logo design was necessary to embody the character of the business of our client from Singapore.

The Freeform Hands Globle Logo is the expression of hands on the globe or world. The design depicts two hands drawn on the lower portion of the globe. Both hands are spread open. The globe is gritted. The hands and the globe are colored blue. The grit lines on the globe and those surrounding the silhouettes of the hands are colored white.

The name of the color blue used to paint the hands in is Fill: 100% PANTONE 293 C. The name of the color the globe is colored with is Fill: Fountain, Outline: None.

The name of the company is designed in bold capital letters to the right middle side of the logo.

The name of the font used to design the name of the company is FrizQuadrata BT.

The logo has no border or shadow base.

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