Export Partner Logo

Export Partner Logo

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Export Partner Logo
Image file: export-partner-logo.gif

Our client is from Singapore.

The pre-designed logo displayed on this page is an original design from the studios of Biz-Logo.com.

The Export Partner Logo is a dual reflection of or clients type of business and part of their company name.

The letter e was chosen to convey the message of movement. The letter e derives from the Western alphabet. The letter e is composed by 3 swooshes. The first prominent swoosh is designed in almost upright position and colored dark blue. The second swoosh is designed to the right of the first swoosh. The second swoosh is smaller than the first swoosh and positioned slightly higher than the first swoosh. The first and second swooshes are designed closely to each other. The second swoosh is designed in almost upright position. The color of the second swoosh is light blue. The third swoosh is designed in concave position and colored orange. The third swoosh commences from the left side of the first swoosh, disappears at the back of the first swoosh and appears to the right of the first swoosh. The bottom portion of the second swoosh receives the right portion of the third swoosh. The third and second swooshes do not touch each other.

The names of the colors are (orange) Curve: Fill: 100% PANTONE 1585 C, Outline: None. (light blue) Curve: Fill: 100% PANTONE 279 C, Outline: None. (dark blue) Curve: Fill: 100% PANTONE 287 C, Outline: None.

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