Engineering Logo

Engineering Logo

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Engineering Logo
Image file: engineering-logo.gif

Our client is from Gladstone, Australia. Our client found and bought the Engineering Logo from Web site.

The logo is the expression of our clients business. Three swooshes are involved in this logo design. Two of the three swooshes were designed to partially evolve around the third swoosh. The two swooshes simulates two globes in part. The first globe is designed in vertical position and the second globe in horizontal position. Both these positions are not exactly as described but slightly tilted. The two swooshes over lapse at the left bottom portion. The vertical swoosh is colored red. The horizontal swoosh is colored black. The third swoosh commences from outside the base of the globes, sweeping through the back space of the two globes, continuing upwards through the open space of the two globes. The third swoosh is designed in concave format. The narrow end of the swoosh lightly touches the black swoosh or globe. This swoosh is colored red.

The 2 words forming the name of the company is designed in capital letters. The first word takes the upper position and is colored red. The second word takes the lower position and is colored black. The name of the company is designed to the right side of the logo.

The logo is void of border lines.

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