Clinical Research Logo

Clinical Research Logo

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More Globe Logos


Clinical Research Logo
Image file: clinical-research-logo.gif

Our client from Orlando chose to create a customized logo design for his business.

The logo design on display envelopes a globe, the abbreviations of the name of of company, two swooshes and the name and slogan of the company.

The globe takes prominence place. The color of the globe a brilliant blue. A shimmering of pale blue and white to the middle upper portion of the globe appears. Within this shimmering space the first letter of the company name is designed. Inter linking with the letter follows the second abbreviation. The third and last abbreviation follows suite but not touching the previous abbreviation. The abbreviations are designed in bold capital letters and colored red.

Two swooshes are designed appearing from behind the globe. They are equal in format and designed in opposite directions. The swooshes are colored red.

Near to the right hand side of the logo, the name and slogan of the company is designed. The name is colored blue. The slogan rests beneath the name and is colored red.

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